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Abdellah Chadidi
I'm a self-taught Full-Stack developer with over 5 years of professional experience building efficient and scalable web applications. I've worked in extremely fast-paced startup environments (including my own) as well as highly structured, corporate environments. I see every new experience as an opportunity to learn, and I find learning to be the most enjoyable part of my day to day work. On a daily basis, I work with technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GIT, PHP, MySQL, C#, Python, Docker, Unity3D. While I enjoy experimenting with new frameworks and libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap & Google Material Design, Laravel, Vue.js, Lumen, Flutter... also at the end of 2017, I joined OcularVR and started Learning and developing AR/VR applications. I understand the importance of placing focus on the end goal: delivering a beautiful, functional product to the user/client. When I'm not behind a computer screen, I'm out somewhere exploring, cooking, or playing sports.
2016-05-21     now
Founder at Fevrok

During my work here I created a Laravel application that allows: Freelancers to: Apply for jobs. publish a service and join a service as a provider. Employers to: publish a job. Manage job applicants in an Agile drag and drop board. Hire a freelancer or Employee. All users to: Buy services. Publish posts (text, images, videos) and interact with them in the home feed. follow users. Register Login Reset password. Create a profile. Update default settings. Leave a like or a comment on a (post, comment). Discuss with a freelancer on their provided service page. Happening in the backend: Every 10 minutes this app search on partner websites for any newly published jobs. Add content to Elastiqsearch database to use it later for search (for every new searchable thing enters MySQL database). Create a cache (Redis) for every page requested by users so the next time the page will be received faster without the need to access MySQL or PHP compiler. Sends jobs by mail to users depending on their subscription. ... **I develop this platform on my free time**

شركة: Fevrok
2014-02-01     2016-01-29
Web Developer

I was working here in my city on projects such as blogs(WordPress, blogger..), Landing pages, etc. Most of our projects were small to medium businesses, I left after I decided to start freelancing.

شركة: Tetouan Agency
2016-05-01     2017-02-28
Web Developer

During my work her I developed a website similar to medium.com where people can publish blogs comment, like, bookmark, share ... a blog, and follow a user etc. I worked on this project remotely.

شركة: Linaktob
2018-01-01     2019-02-28
Lead Developer

During my work at OcularVR, I worked on the VR/AR projects. I developed for OculusGo, Oculus Rift, Android, iOS. I developed backends and control panels for AR/VR apps.

شركة: Ocular VR
2019-03-04     2020-02-28

We developed Rwaq 2.0 SaaS product from scratch.

شركة: Devinweb
2020-02-10     now
Back End Developer at Airbit

شركة: Airbit
تجارب تطوعية
2017-08-09     2017-12-29

منظمة: Linaktob
2018-01-01     now
Science and Technology

منظمة: GDG Tangier
2017-01-01     2017-05-31

I have helped to translate Deepin Linux OS and Deepin Website to Arabic

منظمة: deepin
2017-03-01     now
Open source

We have created this community on github to support Arabic in the open source projects out there and to create new stuff.

منظمة: Laravel Arab Community
2020-04-01     now

مدرسة: Hassan II
مجال الدراسة:
درجة أكاديمية:
My publication

hello there

الناشر: CircleCI
الموقع الكتروني: https://example.com
لا جوائز حتى الآن!
لا يوجد محتوى منشور في هذا القسم
2020-10-01     now
test project
test project

test this out world!

لا سيرة ذاتية بعد!
لا يوجد محتوى منشور في هذا القسم